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have that yummy dessert by the fireplace at Foggy Mountain. Mountain Berry Flan A Mixture of Blackberries, Blueberries and Raspberries on Top of a Silky Custard Filled Short Paste Crust, Finished with a Light Dusting of Powdered Sugar Dessert Nacho. To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a JavaScript-enabled browser and install the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player. Dessert Nacho by DerekSteen. --- Derek Jay Steen A Gaming and Entertainment Site Created by Christians. "A Bat-Errific Holiday": Abbott's choice - "Super Mario Holiday": "Christmas Comics Come to Life": "A Dark Knight Before Christmas": My favorite - "A Community of Superheroes":. Posted by A Day That Is Dessert at 12:01 AM My Sugar Series (December 2008) is made up of desserts that Ive enjoyed recently. Because the holidays spell sweet excess, impress the people you love with any of the following desserts. Theyre guaranteed to make an impression on them She was telling me of her dessert, a pear poached in Pinot Noir. Always a good choice but it took me back to one of my early cooking, shall we say, mishaps. Let me say at this point it was very early in my culinary endeavours and things