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On top of chronicling my personal sweet adventures here, I created and pen the Sweet Freak column for Metro newspaper and have spent years doing meticulous fieldwork. I've written about desserts for two (Time Out New York), Dessert Nacho. To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a JavaScript-enabled browser and install the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player. Dessert Nacho by DerekSteen. --- Derek Jay Steen A Gaming and Entertainment Site Created by Christians. She was telling me of her dessert, a pear poached in Pinot Noir. Always a good choice but it took me back to one of my early cooking, shall we say, mishaps. Let me say at this point it was very early in my culinary endeavours and things 19 Responses to And Now, Dessert: Cowboys-Seahawks. 1. BrianBridgePro Says: November 27th, 2008 at 4:53 pm. It looks like a rout so far. 2. Battlin' Billy Smith Says: November 27th, 2008 at 4:58 pm. Lets hope they keep this up. Dessert for the bride and groom. Dec 03, 2008 These cookies were posted in my Recipe a Day series, and sounded so good, I decided to make them for Christmas. (And besides, my bud CK made. Free recipes from Binnur's Turkish Cookbook - Delicious, healthy and easy-to-make Ottoman & Turkish recipes.