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Trust and confidence are not material, and neither are expectations, preferences, value, liability, and ownership. They are the foundations of economics and they are as spiritual as faith, hope, and good intentions. Posted by Dessert 19 Responses to And Now, Dessert: Cowboys-Seahawks. 1. BrianBridgePro Says: November 27th, 2008 at 4:53 pm. It looks like a rout so far. 2. Battlin' Billy Smith Says: November 27th, 2008 at 4:58 pm. Lets hope they keep this up. Terra Nova Church will have its annual Christmas Concert on Friday at 8 pmFollowing the concert a dessert buffet, and all guests are invited to bring a. My Sugar Series (December 2008) is made up of desserts that Ive enjoyed recently. Because the holidays spell sweet excess, impress the people you love with any of the following desserts. Theyre guaranteed to make an impression on them is The Dessert Stop's next stop. Thank you to Alvin Tatum of Pensacola, Florida for being the point of contact and agreeing to share the chocolate chip cookies and brownie bites coming their way. Let's remember our troops this holiday Trust and confidence are not material, and neither are expectations, preferences, value, liability, and ownership. They are the foundations of economics and they are as spiritual as faith, hope, and good intentions. Posted by Dessert Dessert Nacho. To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a JavaScript-enabled browser and install the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player. Dessert Nacho by DerekSteen. --- Derek Jay Steen She was telling me of her dessert, a pear poached in Pinot Noir. Always a good choice but it took me back to one of my early cooking, shall we say, mishaps. Let me say at this point it was very early in my culinary endeavours and things This dessert is the reason we have January, the month when all diets begin. It's the reason we wear clothes with elastic waists, the reason we don't tuck in shirt-tails and the reason we walk around with our chins pointed